Meet the Team

We can’t wait to welcome you aboard!

  • Captain Garry Heinrich began his tall ships career in 1986 on the Brig Pilgrim.  A former Middle School teacher, he has a 200-ton Masters License and has been the captain of the Pilgrim, Spirit of Dana Point, Exy and Irving Johnson, American Pride, Lady Washington, and Hawaiian Chieftain.  When not aboard Chieftain he lives on Whidbey Island with his partner and 3 fur boys, Captain, Gizmo and Beau.

  • With a strong background in education, maritime training, and administration, I specialize in designing and managing innovative programs for both recreational and professional maritime industries. My experience includes project management, overseeing maritime operations, and delivering hands-on sailing and maritime instruction. As an educator, maritime instructor, and administrator, I am passionate about sailing and committed to excellence in every program I develop and lead. As COO, I take pride in aligning our operations with strategic goals, and positioning the organization for long-term growth and success.



Aubrey Wilson

Aubrey is very familiar with sailing traditionally rigged tall ships and has previously worked as a deckhand on Niagara, Tole Mour, and Roseway.

Matt Wilson

Matt is . . . less familiar. He has sailed on a tall ship exactly once - on Hawaiian Chieftain with Aubrey in 2013!